Been hectic since we arrived home Tuesday night. We had a long ten hour drive home, and it was still daylight, so guess what Ed did first thing? Oh yes, cut the front lawn and part of the back lawn into the dark. At least he opened the house for me first Wednesday was put things away and in order, Ed doing some spraying, his shoulder is better but not up to his normal routine yet.
Off to Napa Thursday for Ed's doctor appointment with his orthopedic doc and I off to the dentist. I was glad to see my favorite hygienist back, she does not inflict pain. Ed's appointment went well, Dr. McCoy was in agreement with the doctor in Indio pretty much, but would not have done shot in the neck thing. No surgery recommended and the injury will take 3 to 6 months to heal. Time and patience. We are back home tonight and hope to stay put for at least a week. Just wanted to put a quick update on Ed's shoulder and thanks for all the concern from friends and family.
When we got home, wow, Spring has Sprung, some of the tree's are in full bloom and weeds are coming up.... spray spray spray! There is a fella that Ed knows that claims, weeds are just misplaced plants. I still think they will be eliminated. Until next time...