Eight of us went out on the Sunset Hummer Ride and what a trip it was. I was not thrilled about going but so glad I did and would do it again. Ed and I sat in the back seat, and the Hummer holds 10 people. The only bad thing was when we went up the rocks if I looked behind, could almost touch the rocks.. Some very steep terain and some areas we were NOT on all four wheels. Our driver is a retired sheriff and other skills in rescue, also takes folks out of elk hunts.. A really nice guy who could drive the dang thing very well.. Below are some pictures that will give you an idea, but they do not do the trip 100 % justice.
After we came down this rock, we backed up the dang thing!!
I kid you not, that is all of us and there were only two wheels on the ground, I am in the back next to Ed.
This is one of the trails we came over, you can see the tire tracks and the white vehicle is a couple that were late and missed our car.
Ed and Maureen at the top
We really had a great time, everyone enjoyed the ride and I think would do it again..