Day 8 August 30. 2008 Colorado River Raft Trip.
We woke up to windy conditions this morning and was not sure our Colorado River Raft trip was going to be a "go" with a call to Moab Adventure Center, and assured yes it was safe, Ed, George, Marilyn,Paula and I took off at 8:00 am. We were bussed about 17 miles up river and looking at the rapids, I am thinking this is suppose to be a very gentle trip.. I DO NOT swim well and was getting a bit nervous and thinking I could be doing retail therapy instead. We arrived at the docking point and they haul these big rubber rafts off and I am looking for the seats... hey where do we sit? I was informed on the side.. oh gosh.. and what do we hold on to? Our guide Tex who was an excellent guide just laughed. George, Paula and Marilyn have rafted before, Ed and I have not... so anything they told us at that time I would have believed. We started out with very smooth water about 9:00 am, no wind and very pleasant. There were four other folks in the raft with us that are staying at the same RV Park as we are.. coincidence.We were told we would be going through some rapids, none being more than a three category. I glare at Ed and asked what is with this white water stuff? He assured me everything would be fine... Once we hit the rapids they did not last very long and I have to admit were extremely fun. Sure we got wet, but by that time the temps were high enough to feel very good getting all that water. Tex took us through a few tricky spots and guess I am just getting braver in my older years... he would ask you want to go category 2 or 3.. Let's go for it... I don't think the other four enjoyed our enthusiasm but it was fun. Another thing I never thought I would do, but glad I did it and plan to do some rafting when we get home... As for the rest of our group, Sue and Steve took off this morning to Salt Lake City and will meet up with us end of the week, Pat and Bev did some retail therapy, Leonard and Arnie had a kick back day. We are anxiously awaiting Butch and Betty to join us midweek and if you are reading this, Safe travels...
George,Marilyn, Paula, Maureen just before we started.
Tex, our guide
The calm waters
Ed and George
Tonight we are having dinner on the river and a jet boat ride down with a light show on the rocks. So many people have said this is a "must do" More to come on that later.. If I do not get back to the blog tonight, we are having a travel day tomorrow and not sure of the Internet connections at our next locations..
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