Sunday January 11, 2009
Where did the time go? My last entry was almost three months ago, so much of keeping the blog up every month. I will try and do better. Just a brief recap of what has been going on the last three months.
November and Thanksgiving. I was busy with catching up on my social obligations. I have missed my two Bunco groups and lunches with the gals. Had some doctor and dentist appointments as usual. Sandy and I attended the Harvest Festival as we do every year. Such a neat craft fair and been a tradition for quite a few years.
Thanksgiving was a nice day with Daughter and family, Daughters Mother in Law Georgia visiting from Salinas Calif. The kids were on the WII as soon as they hit the door, the BIG kids. Son in law must wipe out all our scores on the Wii Fit... he does look silly with the hoola hoop which had daughter and me laughing so hard. Their Christmas gift was the Wii and Wii fit and I have heard of very late nights with the two of them challenging and trying to be in first place. I think the granddaughters will eventually wipe out their scores.
Ed has been busy on the newly acquired property next door. He is building roads and clearing out flat spots and just enjoying his Big Toys. We had the house painted inside and out and working on the rest at a slower pace. Going to be a project for 2009.
Ed as usual on the tractor

December and the Holiday madness. I was so proud to have most of my shopping done by December 15th. What a relief it was not to have to deal with the crowds, although the shops were not as bad this year. Having a clue what I was buying earlier rather than later was a huge PLUS!!! The second weekend of December, Sandy, Shirley, Robin and I attended the annual Bus trip to San Francisco, sponsored by Pioneer Travel in Pine Grove. This is such a fun trip, it started out as a shopping to the big city a few years back with one bus, over time added another bus and made it a weekend trip, this year there were three busses. Mostly women but a few brave men went along. We arrive in San Francisco about 11:30 am and stay at the Handerly Hotel near Union Square. Sharon our travel agent is awesome and books plays and an amazing brunch at the famous Cliff House for those that want to participate. We attended one play a nice dinner but forgo the Brunch this year. We had serious retail therapy to do in the city. There is a pub O’Doul’s right next to the hotel that many of the gals have a good time singing and dancing at the piano bar. We have been known to close the place down.
Union Square Chrstmas Tree

Christmas Eve was spent at Daughter’s home with several of their friends. A great dinner and lots of laughs, a good time had by all.
Christmas Day, dinner at my house, Daughter and family, Georgia and Ed’s best friend Frank from Napa were here. We were all tired of the traditional turkey or ham for Christmas I jokingly said; maybe I should cook a pot roast. Ed was right on it and said YES!!! Great idea, little prep and I was able to enjoy the family a bit more. Son was not able to attend because of work, but we celebrated the Saturday before with his kids. Was a great day.
New Years Eve, we had dinner at the Twisted Fork in Ione, one of the best restaurants to hit Amador County. Bev and George were unable to attend because they got the nasty cold we have all suffered, however Ed and Dorothy, Arnie and Marilyn, Ed and I enjoyed a great meal. We will have another celebration as soon as everyone is over the nasty cold and healthy.
New Years Eve, we had dinner at the Twisted Fork in Ione, one of the best restaurants to hit Amador County. Bev and George were unable to attend because they got the nasty cold we have all suffered, however Ed and Dorothy, Arnie and Marilyn, Ed and I enjoyed a great meal. We will have another celebration as soon as everyone is over the nasty cold and healthy.
Christmas tree

The Granddaughters

We do have a new addition to our RV traveling. We have an orphan, a Smartfor2car that we plan on towing with the RV. It is referred to as an orphan because someone ordered the car and for some reason did not take delivery. The dealership sends out a notice for those of us on a waiting list. The car was close enough to what we would have ordered that we took possession in late October. We are waiting for one more part of the tow package and hopefully be on the road end of February, beginning of March.
The orphan

That’s about it in a nutshell for the last three months. I will be updating a bit more often and of course daily once we are on the road again. Wishing everyone a wonderful and Happy New Year.
1 comment:
Nice to see you posting again... I'm loving the Smartie (doesn't it just remind you of those little candies?) Enough with the cold already...get thee a Neti pot!! Wash, rinse, repeat....cold all gone!! Looking forward to more silly adventures..
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