Chula Vista October 25, 2009
This is our last full day here in Chula Vista. We have had gorgeous weather the entire stay.
Yesterday was a free day, Ed and I headed to the beach. We walked along Coronado Beach. The ocean is just so amazing, I found a house on the water but Ed said it was a bit out of range. The homes in Coronado start about a million dollars and water front property is in the three million to start range. I think we will enjoy the ocean with the RV. We walked through the hotel, another amazing site and very very pricey as well. We had lunch in town and did a bit of window shopping. We got back to camp in time for happy hour.. The gals went shopping and George and Ed R. were off to Costco and Frys Electronic. Pat, Gary and Steve were off on adventures as well.
This morning we went to Brunch at the restaurant on the Marina. AMAZING!!!! We stayed about two hours and everyone enjoyed a fine meal. It is very quiet outside and I suspect it is nap time for most of the group. Start the morning with champagne that generally requires an afternoon nap.
This evening we are having heavy snacks... I cannot spell the O word so bear with me..
Tomorrow we part ways, Ed, Dorothy, George, Bev, Ed and I are heading to Yuma, if we can ever get a reservation, guess they don't come alive until November. Pat, Jane, Gary and Phyllis are traveling home together, Steve and Sue are going home a different way. It has been a great week here in San Diego country, active week, good friends and of course good food and adult beverages... until next time...Maureen at Coronado Beach
Ed at Coronado Beach
Coronado Hotel
Coronado Beach
Coronado Beach
Chula Vista October 24,2009
Such a busy week that I have not had time to post every night.
Wednesday was our day to attend a Price Is Right taping. We left the park about 9:00 am and had to be at the studio no later than noon. We barely made it, traffic down here is crazy. Bev, who made the arrangements was sick that morning and not able to go with us. Ed R. stayed back at camp also, he was on dog duty, more about that later…..
We knew we were going to have a four hour wait, that said we did not know we would be in a long line sitting, then standing then moving sitting standing and moving all away around the building outside. We had cover which was nice and beautiful weather but I would not want to do this on an extremely hot day or rain. The groups in line were so enthusiastic and because we did not have the proper number for a group we were at the end of the line. They interview you at various places in line and I hate to admit it but by the time we got to the final interview, they are lucky they got our name! In spite of the long wait, I really enjoyed the experience watching a show being taped, even though we were the last group of folks in, the seats were fine and I think everyone else enjoyed the taping also. We all went to a BBQ place after the taping for dinner and then the long drive home again… Dorothy, made mention that it sure did not seem that long of a drive down! Our dear Dorothy slept the entire way down. She was smart! We got back to the RV Park about 10:30, so it was a very long day. Bev was feeling better by the time we got back.
Now to Ed R and the dog detail. Ed stayed home to take care of Jake and Max, also was nurse to Bev and a fine job he did. Not going to say who, but someone volunteered him to walk the BIG Labrador that belonged to a neighbor. Sweet dog , but he was a poopy machine that would put cows to shame! Needless to say there was no more volunteering.
Thursday, we all went to the Zoo. We had tickets that let us ride the buses and tram which is awesome since the San Diego Zoo is so huge and steep in places. Thank You Betty F. for providing those tickets. Again it was a gorgeous day, we saw a lot and attended a bird show that was outstanding.
Friday, we were off to the Harvest Festival in Del Mar. I personally love these shows and they are classy and have some awesome things. Harvest Festival will be in Sacramento November 20th through the 22nd if anyone is interested. I think we all came out with several bags. Thanks Steve for leading the way, Nuvi was going to take us on another wild goose chase.
Saturday morning and I am finally getting something posted. Today is a FREE day and Ed and I are going to Coronado Beach, some are off shopping and some are outside relaxing. More on today’s adventures later… Until next time…..
Maureen and Bev
What ya looking at?
Red tail hawk flying over our heads at the bird show
Ed and Maureen
We are outta there
Chula Vista October 20, 2009
I have been slacking off with the blog, so this is catch up time. We left Indio to meet up with the SIRS 15 RV Group at Chula Vista RV Resort in Chula Vista. By 4:00 PM Sunday afternoon the rigs arrived and set up. Steve and Sue were the first ones in, followed by Ed and I, George and Bev, Ed and Dorothy, Pat and Jane, Gary and Phyllis. Our trip from Indio was uneventful until we somehow got on a toll road. Could not figure why there was no traffic for a while until we came to a stop and had to pay. Good thing there was no traffic with a 39 foot Motor home and a passenger car trying to pay the dang toll. Damn Nuvii…… it should have spent the night in the freezer. Happy Hour and talking of plans for the week was in order for the evening.
Monday was a kick back day, nothing really exciting just walking on the wharf, a few errands by some of the folks. Happy Hour of course then some of us played Mexican Train which did not last long and we switched to Farkle.. A fun dice game !!
Tuesday, the plan was a trip to the San Diego ZOO. That plan came to a screeching halt when the freeway was closed due to a gal trying to jump off an overpass. So, to PLAN B. It did not take long for the ladies to decide on shopping at Otay Shopping Center. A very nice outdoor mall with some very neat shops, of course our favorites, Coldwater Creek, Chico’s Macys. Retail therapy is always good for the soul. The fellas went in search of a restaurant Pat wanted to have lunch, on their adventure they found the freeway to be open again so we could have made the Zoo trip, which is now put off until Thursday. We had dinner tonight at one of the restaurants on the wharf.
Tomorrow we are off to Hollywood to attend a taping of The Price Is Right. I don’t think anyone is excited about the drive there but we should have fun in Hollywood.
Until tomorrow or whenever I get a chance to update….
The Marina
They got caught!! Ice Cream
Jane, Gary, Ed, Pat, Dorothy
Making plans
Jane, Phyllis, Maureen
Ed and Maureen
Chula Vista site
On the road again…
We finally pulled into Indio about 5:30 PM tonight. I was not able to get online last night but the drive to Bakersfield was uneventful. Unlike today that’s for sure. We were on the road by 9:00 AM with a first stop at Four Corners for breakfast. Did not happen, just outside of Tehachapi we were diverted off the freeway due to a very bad accident a few miles up the road. We found a place to park in a pull off area about half a mile from the freeway. It almost looked like a RV Park before long, as well as big rigs and cars etc. We were there three and half hours when they finally opened the road. Once back on the freeway, it was not long before we were going about three miles an hour, down to one lane passing the accident. Not sure how many vehicles were involved but one big rig was burnt down to the tires, the trailer was also burnt. There were casualties so that is why it took so long to clear the accident. You would think it would give motorist a heads up, like drive a bit better within some kind of speed limit, but no………. there were idiots doing stupid things, sometimes I just don’t get it. Just thankful we are here at our destination, a long day but looking forward to a nice week in the desert.
The park looks quiet, only seventy five coaches in here now. By the end of the month it should be closer to capacity. November 1st is the start of the season here in the desert. The grounds are being replanted, it looks a little bare right now but in a month or so should be gorgeous.
First thing on the agenda tomorrow is a nice bike ride around the park. It is a little cool here right now but should be back to the 90’s by the end of week. Ed is looking forward to the hot weather and pool time.
Until Tomorrow…….. Goodnight!