Such a busy week that I have not had time to post every night.
Wednesday was our day to attend a Price Is Right taping. We left the park about 9:00 am and had to be at the studio no later than noon. We barely made it, traffic down here is crazy. Bev, who made the arrangements was sick that morning and not able to go with us. Ed R. stayed back at camp also, he was on dog duty, more about that later…..
We knew we were going to have a four hour wait, that said we did not know we would be in a long line sitting, then standing then moving sitting standing and moving all away around the building outside. We had cover which was nice and beautiful weather but I would not want to do this on an extremely hot day or rain. The groups in line were so enthusiastic and because we did not have the proper number for a group we were at the end of the line. They interview you at various places in line and I hate to admit it but by the time we got to the final interview, they are lucky they got our name!
Now to Ed R and the dog detail. Ed stayed home to take care of Jake and Max, also was nurse to Bev and a fine job he did. Not going to say who, but someone volunteered him to walk the BIG Labrador that belonged to a neighbor. Sweet dog , but he was a poopy machine that would put cows to shame! Needless to say there was no more volunteering.
Thursday, we all went to the Zoo. We had tickets that let us ride the buses and tram which is awesome since the San Diego Zoo is so huge and steep in places. Thank You Betty F. for providing those tickets. Again it was a gorgeous day, we saw a lot and attended a bird show that was outstanding.
Friday, we were off to the Harvest Festival in Del Mar. I personally love these shows and they are classy and have some awesome things. Harvest Festival will be in Sacramento November 20th through the 22nd if anyone is interested. I think we all came out with several bags. Thanks Steve for leading the way, Nuvi was going to take us on another wild goose chase.
Saturday morning and I am finally getting something posted. Today is a FREE day and Ed and I are going to Coronado Beach, some are off shopping and some are outside relaxing. More on today’s adventures later… Until next time…..

What ya looking at?

Red tail hawk flying over our heads at the bird show

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