On the road again........ homeward bound!!!
PS... we arrived at Seven River RV resort, very nice and they have a shuttle to the casino. We had dinner there and I came out ahead $20.25.. I drove 78 miles today plus pulled into the RV resort and into a narrow spot.. woohoooo!! We are hoping to make it home by tomorrow night!
I received an email from Marilyn, it was sent yesterday but just got it today. They made it to Dayton NV and should be home sometime today, and more than ready to be home. Paula and Leonard are still in Las Vegas enjoying time with some friends. Butch and Betty are visiting friends south of Jackson Hole. We suspect Steve and Sue are in So. California with their family.
Ed and I are enjoying some time with Trish and Tom here in Salem. Below is a picture of Trish and I hard at work on the computer... actually probably getting in trouble but we won't tell!!!...
Hi Maureen and Ed,
We sure enjoyed travelling with you. So glad you are continuing with the blog. We really enjoy reading it and sharing it with family and friends.
We spent last night with Paula and Leonard at Little America, WY near Green River, WY. The previous night we were in Cody, WY and spent time in the fabulous Buffalo Bill Museum. Leonard even went back at 8:00AM for 2 more hours.
We said goodbye to Paula and Leonard today at Evanston, WY and headed to Salt Lake City. We are now in Elko, NV and heading home.
Keep in touch.
Marilynn, Arnie and Sugar
River along I-90
Madonna on Hillside
Maureen passing on curve.... is Ed nervous yet?
Parked at KOA in Missoula
Hope everyone is doing well on their trip home, safe travels!!!
There was some mention of a get together after we all get home and share pictures and just have some fun. So think about some dates, Leonard and Paula are leaving for Arizona about October 14th, so before that date if possible.
Safe travels my friends and see ya all at home .