******************************************************************* Good evening, today we drove to Sturgis, drove through Spearfish Canyon, Lead and Deadwood. Some of us started out with breakfast at Fort Hays Restaurant again, I like this place it is simple country food. On the way, we saw some Big horn sheep on the side of the rode. We drove to Sturgis and toured the motorcycle museum. My daughter was a bit concerned about us going to Sturgis, it was quiet and I guess the only time to be concerned is during the "Big Run" Not much going on there this time of year. We then took a ride through Spearfish Canyon and stopped at Bridal Falls. I sort of think this is a common name for water falls, this one is not as big as the one at Yosemite but still very pretty. We took a group photo.. Off to Lead, SD, where we visited a gold mine. We just missed the tour. It is the largest open pit gold mine in the United States and owned by Homestake Mining Company. The shafts below the pit is over 8000 feet deep. It is no longer in operation and reclamation work is continuing.
We then drove to Deadwood, which is primarily a Casino town, very small casinos and the one major problem is PARKING!! We had four vehicles and we got separated in the town and if we did not have the hand held radios, we would never have found each other. We went into one casino to get some lunch and can you believe, no food... what is a casino without an operating restaurant.. so off we go in to find a place to eat, again getting separated. All but one couple finally hooked up and we had a meal at a tiny little place and was pretty good food. There was a bit of gambling and a few of us came out a few bucks ahead. Come to think of it, I never did find out where the other couple ended up but they made it back to camp.
Tonight some of us went to the clubhouse and played cards. We played 3-13 and although I played it a couple of years ago, confusion was basically the state of mind... but it was fun..
Tomorrow we are off again, to Wall Drug Store and Badlands. Our week here is rapidly coming to an end, there is so much to see here and a few places I would like to return to, maybe Saturday we can cram in everything we missed.
Big Horn Sheep

Old Motorcycles

As most of you know, I do not have a dog anymore so I adopt all the pups on our trips. You have seen Max, Shortie and Jake on several blogs and here are two more of my fur friends. Sugar and Star. Sugar belongs to Arnie and Marilyn and she and I have become good friends. Star belongs to Pat and Ed L and I have known her for several years. They know I am the "goody lady" always with the treats. I came out of the rigs and the dogs were in the field, saw me and CHARGED!!
Sugar and Star

Another adventure tomorrow!
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