Mount Rushmore is amazing and I am so glad we took this trip to see this monument. We started out watching a film on how sculptor Gutzon Borglum chose what Presidents would be carved on the mountain. Washington was chosen because he was our first President and Father of our country. Jefferson doubled the size of our country by purchasing the Louisiana Territory, he also drafted the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln was credited with holding the nation together during the Civil War. Roosevelt supported the completion of the Panama Canal which would have an effect on world trade. He also set aside some of the National Parks.
Some of our group took a tour with a ranger who gave quite a bit of history. We then walked the rest of the path and stairs, many many stairs. This park is beautiful and most likely some of us will visit it again before we leave. A trip to the gift shop was a must, and of course some had ice cream... Ed and I were riding with Arnie and Marilyn today, we had a great time even if we did tour Custer Park AGAIN!!! We are still trying to figure out what horrible thing we can do to the GPS navigation device that failed us today... very long story and very long ride home. We had dinner in Custer and made it back to the park in time to get ready to go to the evening show at Mt. Rushmore. I am sure Sugar, Arnie and Marilyn's dog and one of my new fur buddies, was happy to see our return. I have to get a picture of Sugar on the blog soon.
Arnie and Marilyn

This evening, we attended the Lighting ceremony back at Mount Rushmore. The ceremony is very moving and very patriotic, the park ranger that gave the presentation was outstanding. At the end of the ceremony, the ranger asked for servicemen and women, veterans or family members who lost loved ones in war, to go down to the stage to bring down the flag. Butch. Leonard and Ed L. went down as they served in the armed forces. It was an honor for our dear Butch to be chosen to assist in folding the flag. I think this ceremony just made it a bit more special for all of us. What a fantastic way to end the day....
Maureen and Ed

Custer State Park..
Donkeys in road
Baby Donkey
The Roundup of Buffalo
Mount Rushmore
View through tunnel
The Presidents
Our group holding the Amador Ledger
Butch and Betty Butch and Ed L at the flag ceremony
Night view of The Presidents
God Bless America!
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