
Back on the Road Again…
Fantastic!! Seems like such a long time but the SIIRS 15 RV group is on the first trip of the year. The trip “officially starts” Sunday in Coos Bay Oregon, but as usual some of the group took off a day or two early. The commuters on Highway 16 (Jackson Highway) probably groaned when they saw seven rigs in the Scales area ready to pull out at 8:00 am. The advantage we had as travelers is it was Furlough Friday so the traffic was not as bad as it could be at that time of morning. Butch and Betty (hey Butch it was 8:00 am right) Rosie and Mike, Arnie and Marilyn and of course Sugar, and Lenard and Paula, were the firt group to pull out, they were going a different route than the other three rigs, George and Bev, Dave and April and Ed and I followed. There were a few tense moments with idiots trying to pass our caravan. Butch and company went down Highway 80 through Vallejo then up the coast, from what they said it was a hell of a ride, lots of traffic, lots of construction and major bad roads. I doubt any will return that route. George and company went up I-5 to William then around Clear Lake and Lake Mendacino which is a pretty lake. Ken and Betty met us at the restaurant where we all had breakfast, so our group was a party of four. We also ran into quite of a bit of construction but lucked out getting through without too much delay until we hit Willits. Oh boy!!!!! WHAT A MESS!!!!! We drove about 265 miles today and I got in about 80 miles.. While we were stuck in Willits Ed and I switched and he drove the rest of the way. I managed to get around the Lakes on those winding roads without incident, did not hit anything and pretty sure I did not scare Ed. Can’t say that for other drivers on the road but hey what the heck!! Our group was the first to hit Benbow RV park, and glad to see it, we were on the road almost eight hours with a stop for breakfast. Pat and Jane, Gary and Phyllis were the next to arrive and I am not sure what route they took. Butch and company shortly arrived after that. After many hugs and stories about the adventures of the road, it was 5:00 somewhere. Cocktail time…. It was great to see some of my adoptive dogs, Max of course who traveled along with us, my sweet Sugar who I have not seen in quite a while and a new dog Buddy traveling with Dave and April. I do miss my pooches. The RV park had a Mexican dinner for those that wish to participate and then had a Bingo game that night. Betty F. Betty W and I were the only brave souls to attend. I think half way through we wish we were tucked away In our rigs but we stayed to the end. Betty W won a game for her grandson, I won a Snickers Bar, real high stakes!!!!
A big welcome to Dave, April and Buddy, this is thier first trip with the RV group.
One of the highlights for me here in Benbow, I was able to spend some time with my cousin Steve and wife Annie. It was so good to see them and makes me appreciate the extended family I have even though we all do not get together often. Hope to spend some time with them tomorrow before we leave on Sunday.
I am having problems getting on the blog site but will get the posts up as soon as possible. Not sure what is on the agenda for Saturday, but with this group it will be fun!!!! Travel Day on Sunday morning August 9th to meet up with the rest of our group. We have 16 rigs meeting in Coos Bay with many adventures and lots of laughs!! Safe travels!!!
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