We woke up to an absolute beautiful morning here by the beach. The sun shining, no wind, the temps got to about 78 degrees today and shorts were in order. Ed took off with Pat E. and George to finalize some of the week’s festivities. Trish aka Patty and I headed for the beach with one of her dogs Max a Pomeranian, feisty little guy. We met up with Paula, Betty F. Rosie and Marilynn. Trish decided to sit on the beach as we took our long walk, and Max came along with us. Now he is a wee little thing but he thinks he can take on the huge dogs on the beach… We walked quite a ways down and on the way back there was a huge dog behind us NOT on a leash and two heading toward us, with Max wanting to take them all on, he and I headed for the water where a huge wave got us. Well if you ever seen a wet Pom, everyone asked where is the rest of him… without all that fur he was quite slim. I figured I am in big trouble now, almost drowned the dog and by the time we got back he was filthy. Trish was good natured and glad Tom was in town. Absolutely gorgeous beach by the way.
In the afternoon, Trish and I took a ride into Coos Bay and even managed not to get lost. When we returned, Ed and I took another stroll down the beach. I am thinking tonight, maybe not a good idea with leg cramps… oops! Today was a free day and the rest of the group was off in all directions. 5:00 PM aka cocktail hour brought more plans for the week. Trish, Tom, Dave, April, Ed and I decided to go to dinner at the wharf. It was ok at best but at least I did not have to cook. When we got back some of the gals were playing Canasta and Rosie was going to teach me, actually pretty fun and hopefully by the time we leave this week I will have a clue. The guys were hanging outside yakking and no doubt getting into some kind of trouble.
A very pleasant day and far calmer than yesterday. We thought we had some damage to the rig hitting the tree limbs but Ed thinks he can get most of them out.
Some of the rigs

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